Sharing Your Sessions with Friends

Or more commonly known as...

How can I share my awesome adventure to make my friends jealous??

Don't worry, we have got you covered. Once you have recorded your session and are reviewing what you have achieved in the Digital Logbook, you will notice there is a Share icon below the map.

Pressing this will get you to our sharing screen, here you will see your session with the Paddle Logger Overlay. You can: 

  • Edit the title 
  • Change the overlay colours 
  • Using two fingers on the map zoom and rotate the map so it fits perfectly. 
  • Choose to show the date, your location, splits, and/or your average pace

Once finished you can save the image to your camera roll ("Save to Camera Roll") or share immediately via the "Share" button. This will then bring up the standard Apple share options. Most social apps installed on your phone will support sharing.

If you are a subscriber, you will also be able to use photos from the session to create posts or take a new photo and share it with your session overlay. All the same features are then available as for the map.

We love seeing where you all paddle and what you get up to on the water, so when you share your sessions please toggle on Share with Community and do tag us @paddlelogger and use #paddlelogger. We can then share your epic routes!!

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